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Metric hex musoro screws ane depression
  • Metric hex musoro screws ane depressionMetric hex musoro screws ane depression
  • Metric hex musoro screws ane depressionMetric hex musoro screws ane depression
  • Metric hex musoro screws ane depressionMetric hex musoro screws ane depression
  • Metric hex musoro screws ane depressionMetric hex musoro screws ane depression

Metric hex musoro screws ane depression

Metric hex musoro screws nekuora mwoyo inopa musanganiswa wekushanda, aesthetic kukwezva, uye kusungirira kwakachengeteka, zvichiita kuti ive yakanakira kuwanda kwekushandisa mumaindasitiri. Sarudza aya screws kuti apedze uye nehunyanzvi kupera mumapurojekiti ako.

Model:ASME B

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Product Description


Kushungurudzika kweFlush Installation:Metric hex head screws ine depression inoratidzira nzvimbo yakadzoreredzwa pazasi pemusoro, ichibvumira kuisirwa kweflush munzvimbo. Iyi dhizaini inoderedza kubuda, kuderedza njodzi yekukwenya kana kupindira munzvimbo dzakasimba.

Kuwedzera Aesthetic Kuonekwa:Kuora mwoyo kunopa chitarisiko chakapfava uye chakakwenenzverwa kana screw yanyatsosimbiswa, ichiwedzera kutaridzika kwekunaka kwegungano. Iyi ficha inonyanya kubatsira kune zvinoonekwa kana pachena maapplication.

Secure Fastening:Pasinei nekuora mwoyo, aya screws anochengetedza kushanda kwawo uye kuvimbika mukusimbisa maapplication. Musoro wehex unobvumira kuisirwa nyore uye kubviswa uchishandisa akajairwa maturusi, kuve nechokwadi chekubatana uye kwakasimba.

Wide Range of Applications:Kubva pakuungana kwefenicha kusvika kumidziyo yemotokari, aya metric hex musoro screws ane depression anochinja-chinja uye akakodzera maindasitiri akasiyana siyana uye maapplication panodiwa kuchena, kupera kwemvura.

Zvishandiso uye Saizi Sarudzo:Inowanikwa mumhando dzakasiyana siyana uye saizi, aya screws anopa kuchinjika kuti agadzirise chaiwo mapurojekiti anodiwa, achipa sarudzo dzekurarisa, simba, uye kutakura mutoro.

Kuenderana neMitemo:Yakagadzirwa kuti isangane neakakodzera indasitiri zviyero, aya masikiru anovimbisa kuenderana mhando nekuita, kusangana nezvinodiwa zveinjiniya dzakasiyana uye mapurojekiti ekuvaka.

Nominal Diameter
M5 M6 M8 M10 M10 M12 M14 M16 M20 M24
P Pitch
ds max
s max
e max
k max
b L≤125
0.8 1 1.25 1.5 1.5 1.75 2 2 2.5 3
5.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 20.00 24.00
4.82 5.82 7.78 9.78 9.78 11.73 13.73 15.73 19.67 23.67
8.00 10.00 13.00 15.00 16.00 18.00 21.00 24.00 30.00 36.00
7.64 9.64 12.57 14.57 15.57 17.57 20.16 23.16 29.16 35.00
9.24 11.55 15.01 17.32 18.48 20.78 24.25 27.71 34.64 41.57
8.56 10.80 14.08 16.32 17.43 19.68 22.58 25.94 32.66 39.20
3.65 4.15 5.50 6.63 6.63 7.76 9.09 10.32 12.88 15.44
3.35 3.85 5.10 6.17 6.17 7.24 8.51 9.68 12.12 14.46
16 18 22 26 26 30 34 38 46 54
22 24 28 32 32 36 40 44 52 60
35 37 41 45 45 49 53 57 65 73

Sravana Sameeralu Serial 4th Hot Tags: Metric hex musoro screws ane depression, China, Vagadziri, Suppliers, Fekitari, Wholesale, Yakagadzirirwa, Hunhu

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